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Upgrade - Overview

  • Before you upgrade your cluster to KubeSphere 3.4, you need to have a KubeSphere cluster running v3.2.x.
  • You can choose to only upgrade KubeSphere to 3.4 or upgrade Kubernetes (to a higher version) and KubeSphere (to 3.4) at the same time.
  • For Kubernetes versions with an asterisk, some features of edge nodes may be unavailable due to incompatability. Therefore, if you want to use edge nodes, you are advised to install Kubernetes v1.23.x.

** before the upgrade: 

  • Implement a simulation in testing environment first. After upgrade successfully in testing environment, then upgrade your cluster in your production environment.
  • Recommend to backup( can use Velero to backup & migrate kubernetes resources).    **

+ Upgrade with KubeKey